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History and Culture of the Kalenjin

The Kalenjin comprise a number of ethnic groups indigenous to East Africa, residing mainly in what was formerly the Rift Valley Province in Kenya. Their population is 6,358,113 as per the Kenyan 2019 census. They speak Kalenjin languages, which belong to the Nilotic language family. 

The Kalenjin both men and women are known as “the running tribe” or “the tribe of champions”. They are by far the best long distance runners the world over and a great source of Kenyan pride since the mid-1960s. 

Among the Kalenjin, Traditionally, marriage took place in two stages: ratet, a small ceremony after which the couple lived together, and tunisiet, a large public feast held only at the completion of bride-wealth payment. Most Kalenjin—with some exceptions, notably the Okiek pay bride-wealth in cattle.

Finding Kalenjin Love

If you are looking for a generous man then look no further than a Kalenjin man who will be elated to spend his money on any woman and her extended family. For them, expensive is best. The word doing the rounds is that if a Kalenjin man takes a lady shopping, he will beseech her to select the most expensive dress in the shop. 

On the other hand, Kalenjin women know how to treat men just right!  Women from this community are not only romantic but also caring. A Kalenjin woman will never cheat if you respect her, listen to her opinions, take her out and fulfill her needs.

Getting Started

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